Pool Line Repair

Tony's House Projects

  • We have two sets of stairs to go up from our deck to the pool.
  • Over the years, these have settled and large gaps in the concrete have open up.
  • We thought about demolishing and rebuilding the stairs.
  • We decided to fix this by hiring a concrete raising company.
  • To raise concrete by drilling a few small holes and injecting a foam-like substance.
  • They have you sign a waiver that they are not responsible if they hit a pool line.
  • They hit a pool line.
  • Demolishing the stairs is the only way to get at the pool line to repair it.
  • We wound up having to rebuild the stairs anyway.
  • This wound up demolishing our small stone wall too.
  • We rebuilt this wall a few month later as described on the Small Stone Wall Page.
Pool intake and return pipes.
Pool intake and return pipes (closeup)
Pool intake and return pipes (under slab).